June 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic, has upended the natural rhythm of life. It occupies almost every waking moment, from worries about keeping your family safe, finding ways to burn your energy; and from painting rainbows of hope, to quests to find a remedy to fix your sourdough baby.
Helping us through these times, d-nice kept us all dancing, Massimo Bottura began posting #KitchenQuarantine cooking tutorials on Insta, and energising dance workouts showed up from all around Brazil to Kenya. In April, Spotify rolled out daily personalised wellness playlists, with daily yoga, and meditative podcasts with Deepak Chopra.
We also created home workout packs for Nike's #playinside #playfortheworld incredible incentive in Europe.The entertainment industry, though grounded by physical isolation, created iconic moments in time that millions shared- separate but together. The late-night shows, countless fundraising and spirit-lifting moments on social media, cast reunions for shows including “Parks and Recreation” and “Melrose Place” and, of course, the eight-hour, across-three-networks fundraiser “One World: Together at Home.
It's hard to keep the momentum of the early iso days alive, but it's good to remember, daily, all of the good things that kind people continue to bring into our homes, enriching the days and nights spent with our family, or just with ourselves.
Despite the dreadful toll the pandemic is taking, many people are becoming thankful for this global community. When the time comes to return to the office, Ms.Keup said she plans to ask if she can work two to four weeks a year from Tennessee.“It’s beautiful. It’s resting and restorative,” she said. “And I’ll miss that.”